Friday 15 April 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

from the preliminary and main task i have learnt that time planning is key to the project and that sometimes you have to improvise with what you have to make the story work. it may not necessarily be able to follow the story precisely. also the level of skill and time needed for the main task compared to the preliminary was very different as the main task was very time consuming needing more task was very time consuming needing more angles and shots rather then the continuity scene which could be shot in one day.  

What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

things that have been learnt about technologies is that they cannot always be reliable and that they can fail on you. also technologies that are being used have to be thoroughly learnt before you begin to use them so that you know what you want to get from it and what type of product you want to create. we overcame this problem by using tutorials that showed us how to get desired things that we wanted from the technologies that we were using. 

How did you attract/address your audience?

we attracted our audience by using surveys and other research methods such as market research to then base our product around. also we researched factors of other films that were similar to our genre and saw what made them successful and then used some of these factors and manipulated them into a way that was original and unique to our own product. 

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products?

our product develops forms of conventions as it follows recent patterns that have become popular over the recent years in films such as shank and kidulthood. our product develops the conventions of these films as it follows the same genre and filming styles also with the use of location and characters as there is a main protagonist that faces a problem and has to resolve it. 

Who would be the audience for your product?

mainly teenagers from the ages of 15-19 would be our main audience as the story is mainly based around their age group and issues that their age group has to face within present day British society. Also it would be made for this age range due to things within the film such as the slang used. Also as this film is more of an independent film that would not be released very widely the main audience would most likely be within big city areas as this would relate more to teenagers that are living in these areas rather than those in more rural places.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A media institution that would be likely to distribute our product would be revolver. they would be a likely to distribute our film as they have distributed films that are similar to ours such as kidulthood which means that they have experience which niche market British urban films. another reason why they would distribute our film is that they usually help to distribute low budget films as they generally do not have the funds to get their films notices through things such as advertisement therefore they help to solve this problem.